Monday, June 28, 2010

Non-Return Valve 2

This shows the actual dimensions

Non-Return Valve

This is an another model created by me.............
A Non Return valve.....
A bit difficult one but can be perfected by practice..........

Sunday, June 27, 2010


The troubleshooting topics addressed in this section can help you resolve common performance and display issues.

Reviewing these topics first enables you to more efficiently communicate with subject matter experts (such as support if you are a subscription user) should you require further guidance. Included topics:

Prevention. File maintenance recommendations

Hardware. System problems and requirements

Graphics adapters and drivers. Requirements and recommendations

Display. Display issues not related to adapters and drivers

Printing. Potential resolutions with printing issues

Saturday, June 26, 2010

If you want to have the saved files 
please do mail to

Screw Jack-Exploded View

This is the exploded view of the assembled screw jack

Screw Jack-Assembled

This is the assembled view of screw jack


Mates create geometric relationships between assembly components. As you add mates, you define the allowable directions of linear or rotational motion of the components. You can move a component within its degrees of freedom, visualizing the assembly's behavior.

Some examples include:

  • A coincident mate forces two planar faces to become coplanar. The faces can move along one another, but cannot be pulled apart.

  • A concentric mate forces two cylindrical faces to become concentric. The faces can move along the common axis, but cannot be moved away from this axis.

Mates are solved together as a system. The order in which you add mates does not matter; all mates are solved at the same time. You can suppress mates just as you can suppress features.

Other topics about mates include: