Friday, June 25, 2010

New SolidWorks Document

Creates a new document.

New documents use templates as the basis for their format and properties. Templates include user-defined document properties, such as units of measure or other detailing standards. Templates allow you to maintain many different styles of documents. A document template can be a part, drawing, or assembly that you saved as a template.

To create a new SolidWorks document:

  1. Click one of the following:

  •  New  (Standard toolbar)

  • File, New

  • New Document  under Getting Started on the Task Pane SolidWorks Resources tab .

  1. In the dialog box, select:

    • Novice. Displays icons and explanations of part, assembly, and drawing documents. If you open a new document when in a SolidWorks tutorial, a tutorial template opens. The tutorial template uses the appropriate units, view orientations, and so on, for the tutorial lesson.

    • Advanced. Displays the template icons on various tabs. You can:

  • See previews as you select templates.

  • Add your own tabs.

  • Access the tutorial templates on the Tutorial tab.

  • Select the display types: Large Icons , List , or List Details .

  1. Select a type of document.

  1. Click OK.

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